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UXO Risk Management

• UXO Historical research

• UXO Survey

• UXO Classification & Identification

• UXO Clearance

UXO Historical Research

UXSolutions is a specialist UXO consultancy within our company's group. For many years, UXSolutions has provided support to offshore energy clients by advising them in the measurement and management of UXO risks to their construction projects. 

The first stage of this process by UXSolutions is a desktop study of historical data, both public domain and proprietary, to evaluate the probability of occurrence of UXO. This study quantifies the likelihood of presence of specified UXO types and also evaluates the probability of encounter by specific ground-intrusive construction activities, in order to arrive at a risk matrix with corresponding mitigation activities with need to be implemented to achieve ALARP( As Low As Reasonably Practicable) risk status.

UXO charts


GEOxyz has a broad range of experience in relation to the planning and execution of surveys for the purpose of identifying Unexploded Ordnance (UXO).

UXO are explosive devices such as bombs, bullets, mines and artillery shells.

These items are often hazardous and at risk of detonation even though they may have been dormant for decades.

Typical projects which may require Marine UXO surveys include the construction of windfarms, subsea cables, pipe laying projects, oil, gas and mineral exploration and capital dredging projects.

• Prior to construction / cable laying work

• Unexploded Ordnance Survey: search for metallic / non-metallic objects, on and below the seafloor 

    (5m below seafloor)

• MB, SSS, Gradiometer, SBP

• Evaluation by UXO certified company

• ALARP certificates


Typically, most UXO survey campaigns are followed by an investigation /classification phase of work that primarily involves the use of an ROV in order to relocate and identify each item. Through the use of high-specification optical and acoustic cameras and via deployment on a high-power ROV, target identification and classification can be accomplished even in low visibility and high current conditions.

During such operations the ROV will also be fitted with a highvolume dredge pump to expedite the excavation of buried targets prior to identification.

Those items identified as UXO or potential UXO are then earmarked for removal or detonation is separate phase of UXO clearance operations.

UXO Clearance

Through UXSolutions and with local partner companies as appropriate, GEOxyz provides the final stage of confirmed UXO clearance prior to issuing ALARP sign-off status. In our clearance solutions we adopt best practice to ensure minimal harm to the environment, by deploying low noise disposal methods and noise measurement and mitigation techniques. 

The GEOxyz group is a complete end to-end provider of UXO risk management, from initial risk assessment trough survey, identification, disposal and final ALARP sign-off.

UXO Berging


Through our Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) partners we are experienced in providing UXO disposal services to or Clients.

ALARP: "as low as reasonably practicable" 

is a principle in the regulation and management of safety-critical and safety-involved systems.

Several factors are likely to be considered when deciding whether or not a risk has been reduced as far as reasonably practicable:

• Health and safety guidelines and codes of practice

• Manufacturer's specifications and recommendations

• Industry practice

• International standards and laws

• Suggestions from advisory bodies

• Comparison with similar hazardous events in other industries

• Cost of further measures would be disproportionate to the risk reduction they would achieve

GEOxyz offers the following services: