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GEOxyz supports the development of second offshore windfarm in Normandy

GEOxyz has been awarded a contract to conduct seabed clearance surveys for the Calvados Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) in France.

GEOsurveyor XI

The Calvados OWF is the second offshore wind farm under construction in Normandy and one of the first four in France. It consists of 64 offshore wind turbines and has a total capacity of 450 MW, expected to provide electricity to more than 90% of the people living in Calvados. The wind turbines will be situated more than 10 km from the Bessin coast and cover an area of 50 km².

The aim of our team is to detect and classify any seabed obstructions within the 64 turbine foundations and inter-array cable corridors of the offshore wind farm, prior to construction.

Our surveyors will be using various technologies to acquire the correct data, including MBES and SSS. Afterwards, the geophysical data will be processed, interpreted, and reported by our data processors and report writers onshore.

The majority of the work will be carried out using the Geosurveyor XI vessel in different phases during the second quarter of 2023.

Released on 20-04-2023